Friday, September 12, 2008
On Hiatus...if yanno...u havent noticed :-)
The VMAs = If the budget gets anyless, next years ceremony will be held in my parking garage...and oddly enough it probably wouldnt suck as much as it did this year.
New Music = Solange's album is amazing and Nikka Costa has a brand new album coming out Pebble To a Pearl Oct 14, so make sure you snatch it...
Fashion Rocks = You know shit is bad when Rihanna gives a better lip sync vocal than Mariah Carey....BUT! i will not and i shall not hate on Beyonce and her damn good rendition of "At last"
Raphael Saadiq = An Amazing man, releasing an amazing album SEPTEMBER 16TH!!!!!
Now sit tight till next time, but in the meantime! make sure u check out the blogroll to the right and knock urselves out :-)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Rhythmic Artist of the Month
The Artist of the month!!!!!!! For this months choice, I went with Jamie Lidell, an artist that ive only known about for a few months, an artist one of you guys actually put me up on him (thanks Sarah Tone In!!!).
born September 18, 1973 in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England) is a musician and soul singer. He also has a group with Cristian Vogel called Super Collider.Lidell is known for layering tracks made with his voice into a microphones, performing the percussion and melody as a sequenced beatboxing one-man band. Then over his augmented voices, he sings soul-inspired songs.
What initially struck my fancy about Lidell was his AMAZING voice and style of music, which is very reminiscent of Jamiroquai at their funkiest. His song "figured my out" has became one of my favorite and is featured off of his latest album JIM, which is amazing, was released earlier this year to great reviews.
Check out Jamie on His MYSPACE to listen to a few more of his tracks, but remember where u heard about him first...HOLLA!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Something Supreme over at QH Blend...

Friday, July 25, 2008
2008 In Music...So far: The Good, Bad and the UGLY
The Good
GENIUS, GENIUS, GENIUS...if this album doesn’t win album of the year at the grammys, it can only mean that the Grammys have it out for Al...or that u2 or the dixie chicks have new albums out...but in any capacity, this is a genius album, showcasing QuestLove’s GENIUS production, capturing a sound that’s so vintage and’d think its an album of nothing but rare recordings from the 70s.
This album hits HARD, from track 1 on through it’s solid, but much like other Janet albums, towards the middle and end it loses a bit of its steam for having certain tracks that could have been left on the cutting room floor. With tracks like “Feedback” and the horribly mismanaged “Luv,” this is a hot album .
The debut album of 19 year old import Adele is nothing short of amazing. Now im not saying shes the white aretha franklin by any means, so fall back Estelle! But this is an album that touches on different genres from soul (thanks to adele’s BEAUTIFUL voice) to even folk, effortlessly. The production is fitting, the writing is genius and dammit...I dig it! The girl is truly talented.
While being clumped into the same raft as Adele, as this seasons new Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen, Duffy and Adele have something that the 2 others seem to lack at times...common sense... Atleast thats what I think until I see a tabloid of Adele with hot pink hair and duffy somewhere free basin’ to prove me otherwise.... but I digress... This album is a sultry throw back to the sounds of the 60s and 70s, which compliments Duffy’s airy, seductive voice to a T.
Many have made the argument that this album doesn’t have as many stand out cuts like their last one, St Elsewhere, did. Now, I completely agree with that, because even in the gnarls barkley style of music, this album doesn’t have many tracks that people would coin “single worthy” ... BUT, this album in its own right is pretty damn phenomenal, the song “A Little Better” should put The Odd Couple in everyones top 10 list all on its own. The beauty of it all, this album is nothing more than just KNOW Danger mouse is not behind the boards wrecking his brain trying to figure out what sound will get them to number 1 on TRL., and I LOVE that about them.
Estelle - Shine
This album, so far this year, has been the biggest surprise for me, I honestly didn't expect to love it as much as I do. Shine is across the board a GREAT effort by Estelle, with sounds, talents and influences coming in from every angle.
The Bad
Mariah Carey - E=Mc2
This album has grown on me IMMENSELY....but still! The only reason why it did is because its MARIAH and I want to genuinely like this album and anything she does, lord knows if it was some run of the mill broad I probably would have used the cd as a coaster...but then again my argument for not liking it is because it ISN’T someone else singing this tart mess. I said it once and I’ll say it again...Mariah is ABOVE this crap she’s singing about today...Give me “Stay the night,” give me “Mine again,” hell, give me ANYTHING other than Rae rae and Mae mae.
Madonna - HardCandy
Now, I’ve never posted my opinion on this album until now, for the main reason is because at times I would feel so torn, its far from a horrible album..and not too far from a good album. I see where she tried to go and I think the intentions behind it was pure...LMAO @ me acting as if this madonna album Is a superman remake or some shit...but seriously, I think on paper this album was gonna be genius, but with uninspired beats from
The Ugly
Here I stand, huh? Well I can tell you where his ass hasn’t been the top 10. This album is about as hot as a glacier. Now anyone that knows me knows im no Usher fan...BUT to say that I haven’t enjoyed a handful of songs from each of his albums would be a lie...I personally LOVED “throwback” from Confessions, along with others from that album....but this time around, the sequencing was HORRIBLE, track selections were baffling (why his song “that girl right there” feat Ludacris didn’t make the album, I still don’t know) and album length only made it that much more of a task to listen to the album as a whole.
Majority of the 106 n’ park line up
Im just clumping all this shit together, I don’t have the time nor the patience to go through those buffoons individually.
With the first half of 08' behind us, all I can say Is that theres been good, and theres been bad...sadly enough when its been bad..its been I can only hope that upcoming releases from Brandy, LL Cool J (LMAO, right), Raphael Saadiq (YES LAWD!), Eryakah Badu, T.I., Missy Eliott and Robin Thicke can make up for the mistakes of Jan-Jun...Time shall only tell...but if I left out any albums and artist (which I kno for a fact I have).....just sit tight till the year end list! Ahem...maybe they will make my top 10...who knows.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Rhythmic Interviews
Coppola had an early brush with fame when a demo she cut with Digable Planets
producer Michael Mangini during her freshman year at the State University of New
York landed her a record deal with Columbia Records. In 1997 the
19-year-old music composition major’s debut record “Chubacabra” earned radio and
MTV buzz with the cheeky, Neneh-Cherry-reminiscent lead single “Legend of a
Cowgirl” and her dynamic NYC persona was introduced to mainstream America.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
New Videos: The Good, The Bad and the Rigotdamndiculous
First up we have Ashanti with her song "Good Good" from The Declaration, which is in stores now.
I Personally LOVE the video, its colorful, its creative and its very different from anything on tv right not saying its anything different than what we've seen in the past, but it plays off the song lovely, 2 thumbs up! plus i think its adorable how she has her boyfriend Nelly in the video, about time they realize they arent as important as Beyonce and Jay, so they cant play all coy about their relationship and shit...they betta whore their asses OUT...The actual album is VERY solid, if not her best since her debut...I just love when folks get it together, dont you? does this mean we have to stop calling her Ashitti now?
Next, its Mr. Blue Eyed soul himself, Robin Thicke and his song "Magic" from his album Somethin' Else, slated to hit stores Sep. 8th.
I am in LOVE with this song...the video tho? ehh *shrugs* I can take it or leave it..personally because I see eliments of Janet Jackson's "Feedback" and alil of Chris Brown's "Forever" in it...Not to say its a bad thing but...those elements werent working in the original videos so why in the hell would it work here? Dig the new direction and sound tho! WeRk it Robin...cant wait for the release you damn genius you!
Now last...and definately LEAST...Pretty Muthafuckin Ricky....
What in the bedazzled, technicolored dream coat, gay bonanza, magestic magician, type shit is THIS??? somewhere Chris Stokes is salivating, I just know it....This is so gay even Bravo would go..."a bit much?"....I can not and I will not...Im not even going to touch on them RUINING a classic, im just going to go lay down and try to get these images out of my head the best way I can....lawd that record deal coulda been put to some good use...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Timbaland set to produce new Jay-Z album...
"He wants me to do the whole thing this time around," Timbaland said
Monday during a visit to the MTV News office. "I'mma make it a classic too.
You better believe it. It'll be a monster! I always say this: You get a first single
from me, I'mma get you up to gold. And it's hard to get you up to gold in this day [and age]."
Now I don't know about you guys, but lately Timbaland's work has been...uninspiring, to say the least...but personally I've always preferred his work with Jay, so I'm actually excited about this news. Ive always LOVED what would come from a JayZ and Timbaland collabo (I never really cared when Jay would hook up with the neptunes)...Hopefully this will get Timbalands juices flowing, because when they are..he IS arguably a genius, and Jay will have an amazing album....but then again JayZ could have an album produced by a fucking arangatang and it would be good to me, so bring on the goodness, I say!
Rhythmic Recommendation: Swagger Style

Where the hell YOU been, Rhythmic?
Hey hey readers, ive missed u lovely folks the month ive been gone...i figured since I've been MIA for awhile that i'll at least shed alil light on where the hell I've been... As you guys know, Rhythmicwords is the brainchild of me, Rhythmic..and is ran and operated solely by me...couldnt you tell by the half assery that takes place? anyhoo...these past few weeks have been very busy for me, as some of you know ive recently moved to Los Angeles...(HOLLER!)...and im also in going to the Art institute of California - Hollywood...(DOUBLE HOLLER!)...and living on campus...(womp wompppp) that's where a good junk of my time as been devoted to, just making sure i was all packed up and all shipped out when the time called for it...So what does that mean? will RhythmicWords be shutting down?....the answer is HELL NO!...i got too much shit to say!!!! look forword to the typical write ups, a long with interviews, reviews and the "This year in far" coming up! in the upcoming weeks...
I just wanted to shed alil light on what my situation has been the last few weeks....that is all
The Management
Monday, July 14, 2008
Rhythmic Artist of Month

Blend the old-school R&B sound with a quirky hybrid of hip-hop and pop and you get Little Jackie, the creation of genre-defying singer-songwriter Imani Coppola and multi-instrumentalist Adam Pallin. With a nod to the soulful Motown rhythms of the past and a sneer to many of the social and cultural issues that consume the public today, Coppola has crafted an album of musical sugar and spice, filled with sweet, saccharine-tinged melodies and spicy, bold commentaries.
Now make sure you guys check out one of the songs from their debut album The Stoop, thats out NOW, entitled "Cryin for the Queen"...after you guys listen, take 1 good guess at who singer-songwriter Imani Coppala is talking about in the song...Your answer will be addressed when I upload the interview i was lucky enough to do with Imani later this week...and yes, shes as sassy over the phone as she is on the record.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
L.A. gone be the DEATH of me, yall!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
that is right readers (the few i still have left) IAM BACK! and ready to get back to the goodstuff!...atleast not today anyway lmao...hollerback off to finish move my shit into my dorm and hopefully bond with my hate to have to end up shankin someone, i so cool till tomorrow folks...and hope uve missed me..ive missed yall....witcha no comment leavin asses...I KID, I KID! dont take me off the blogroll...hehe