I was abit reluctant about writing this review because it meant i would have to listen to the album lol..BUT im glad i did listen, because aside from the trainwreck that is Britney's life (which i wont be addressing because hey, this is an ALBUM review, i could give a shit about what she does to lil preston bacon federline or wth ever his name is), shes put out an album that's VERY close to POP PERFECTION.
Being someone who couldn't really tolerate the first half of her career(and arguably most successful part of her career), it wasn't until the release of her 2001 third album Britney when i could actually digest her offerings without needing some sort of antacid afterwards. That album showed a glimpse of what britney could do if she strayed, somewhat, away from the then bubblegum pop formula, the Neptunes produced 'Im a Slave For You' anyone? Once 2003's In The Zone dropped i actually started the dig the girl(Hell i even
The Producers, more so than Britney, should be praised for this effort, providing nearly flawless dancepop beats that couldnt fail. Nate Hills, Avant, Bloodshy, Sean Garrett, Kara DioGuardi, Freescha, Farid "Fredwreck" Nassar, The Clutch, and The Neptunes all add their VERY special touches to help take Britney into Kylie Minogue-ish territory. This is the most obvious on tracks like "Heaven On Earth" and the Club ready "Get Naked (I got a plan)". The intent of this album is to take the listener away from the preconceived notions that surround Britney by hitting u over the head with a sound that's so good you would think it couldn't possibly BE Britney, smart. Straying away from any possible serious issue and directed you to the nearest dancefloor is the overall feel of the entire album, with the exception of the closing track, The Neptunes produced "Why Should I be Sad". This song is a 3 minute crash course into the ups and downs of Britney's car crash of a marriage, but oddly enough it strays away from the potential cornyness and cheese that the track could have easily suffered from and just shares a dark part of Britneys life on her own terms, kudos Pharrell.
Its sad that that the album isn't getting the proper attention it DESERVES, i.e.: a LEGIT album cover, POSITIVE publicity, a video that doesn't look like it was shot in a tacky strip club of a dancer named CandySpice and a sane artist behind it. But throughout Britney's career you cant deny her evolution and growth, all without potential gimmicks and forced personas along the way (I love you and the Stripped era anyway, Christina!). Even with the current issues going on in her life, you cant take this album away from her, no matter what the intention of it is Blackout is the apex of Brittney's catalog, give her that.
I give Blackout 4 Remy Indian lacefronts out of 5 ...because the bitch needs em!
Blackout In Stores Tuesday!
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Cool you have an opinion and that - hey, it's a postitive one. Giving props to the producers are nice, but the tracks are still nothing without Brit. Give credit where Credit is due. Rhianna's umbrella was offered to Britney (and others) - she said no. Good choice. That's a one-hit wonder track. Brit has legs. This is her best LP yet, and she doesn't need your "BS" 4 out of 5 whatever the fukc you call it...but as a musician, I'm sure it's appreciated. Thanks - Yanno.
if i buy this cd i feel like i am buying into a huge part of what is wrong with this industry. so britney and the record company have money to spend. they can afford all the top producers/writers. so she records all these songs and puts together "pop perfection". not a cohesive album like the one you are so in love with from faith evans. if amerie, kelly rowland, and any other singer who seems to be flopping could get that type of support they would have "pop or R&B perfection" on their hands also. i mean the girl is so messed up the only performance we have seen was terrible (VMA) the video is terrible! but we supposed to buy this i say hell naw. when we have artists who actually put forth the effort but don't get a response or support because they aren't partying, wrecking cars, loosing kids, doing drugs, and looking a mess. i won't support this it makes people think it is ok to be as messed up as this girl is. why is it ok? because she has money? when we see the same story on the news mother of two loses kids because she has been using drugs and partying when the judge said to stop...we judge that lady we say it is a shame we say they are ghetto. When that woman asks us for something we frown at her we look down our nose we lock our doors. but i guess because britney has money I am supposed to take my broke A$$ to best buy and put more money into her pockets. i say hell to the naw! look for a new line of singers being openly messed up/drugged up and that will be the new thing our teenagers will look to be. people like amy winehouse lindsay lohan. when we have beautiful people out there that won't sell as much or get the attention they deserve.
i speak english @ crescenet..thanks tho!
"Anonymous said...
Cool you have an opinion and that - hey, it's a postitive one. Giving props to the producers are nice, but the tracks are still nothing without Brit. Give credit where Credit is due. Rhianna's umbrella was offered to Britney (and others) - she said no. Good choice. That's a one-hit wonder track. Brit has legs. This is her best LP yet, and she doesn't need your "BS" 4 out of 5 whatever the fukc you call it...but as a musician, I'm sure it's appreciated. Thanks - Yanno."
Credit where credit is due? if ANYONE sung this album it would be equally as good OR better, seeing how britney is pretty much the bottom of the barrel, vocally. but yanno..thanks for commenting and reading the blog!
oooooooooh spontaneous ur just so sassy, u wanna write for rhythmic words? lol..but to address what u said...I totally agree with you, that if the amerie's or the kelly rowlands of the world had backing and means like brit, they would work with the right producers and put out good material as well..BUT thats why this is a ALBUM REVIEW, me giving my 2 cents because yanno..its my blog...BUT what britney does in her life, drinking, drugs, baby daggling, whatever the case may be..doesnt concern me, entertain me, nor does it effect me...which is why this was a ALBUM REVIEW and not a LIFE REVIEW...detatching the MUSIC from the LIFE of this artist...while her life may be bullshit..the album is good considering the genre (I.E. not comparing this to something from FAITH EVANS or a JILL SCOTT, which would be absolutely not care and downright...pointless and onesided)...thanks for reading the blog! and keep the comments coming..LOVE EM!
I haven't been called Sassy in a loonnnng time! I am loving it. I definitely respect your views on the Brit CD. True the tracks would be nothing without her on them. I'm still NOT buying into it though LOL! I am looking for her to do some big numbers though. Ya know what I kinda feel like instead of being judged for her material like rappers are I am judging her based on her actions in real life. Which one matters the most? I guess the music since that is all we should ask of the poor girl.
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