Saturday, September 29, 2007
Lupe doesnt want to "Dumb It Down"
Uploaded by JNUELZ
Now i dont kno if this is Lupes Official first single or what, u gotta keep it locked to Nah Right for alla that there..but i kno this track is from his upcoming album "The Cool" set to release December 11th....I absolutely love the video AND the track...its hillarious...Lupes talent, or the message hes delivering, isnt sacrificed for a few cheap laughs here and there...(QQN @ Luda) ...but if u listen to it, Lupe is speaking nothing but the truth and thats what makes it as funny as it is, and sad...
Judging by the way the video looks, his Label figured they should start payin' Lupe like he's weighin'....which isnt much....But look at lupe, doesnt he strike u as that boy growin up in your neighborhood that was always dirty and eatin an icecream? that either smelled like piss or was musty, depending on what day u caught him on?...oddly enough he still kinda looks that way :-/
Friday, September 28, 2007
Im just sayin...
Altho they both look very wrong in their own right, ive thought these 2 have looked alike for a minute now...Fergie, thanks to her many years of being a real life extra in New Jack City as crack whore #2, if ya get my drift...and Carrot top, thanks to being a...whatever the fuck he is... these two look A MESS...
Yea today is a slow news day...well atleast the news i give a shit about...
Mariah's "Sweet Soul Odyssey"
This is what i like to see dammit...some info!...apperently Mariah's new album will be entitled "Sweet Soul Odyssey" and have production from the likes of Swizz Beats, Bryan Michael Cox, Jermaine Dupri and Will.I.Am to name a few...head on over to Bits and Pieces to read the full article...
I personally CANT WAIT to hear new material from Mariah, especially what shes doing with WIll.I.Am...i kinda can already tell what the material will sound like on tracks produced by Swizz and Bryan and some of the other producers that she worked with during the MIMI recording session...Switching gears to a different topic, but still MIMI related..heres the commercial for her new fragrance "M by Mariah Carey"...has anyone actually smelled it yet? all these artist come out with Perfumes and colognes and half the time they smell like hotdog water and cat piss...i hope this isnt the case with Mariah..but knowin her crazy ass a botttle of water with glitter sprinkled inside of it would probably smell divine
Thursday, September 27, 2007
New Mary J.
Mary J Blige - Just Fine (full CDQ)
So here is the FULL version of the snippet i posted up a few days ago called "Just Fine" anddd it turns out that this will be her First first when i heard this news i was worried because judging from the snippet, i wasnt blown away...but after listening to the full track i must admit im in love, the beat turns into something fun and infectious and when the horns come in on the breakdown its just magic... Taking it for what it is and not looking at it as a song thats NOT a "my life", or an "all that i can say" grows on you and the feel good vibes make you feel....well...good....This is the upbeat, bouncy kind of sound from Mary thats all its own (u can tell shes not trying to recreate an old vibe or earlier sound of hers like she tried with Love @ first sight)... I aint mad at her for switchin it up, not one bit...she could have came back with a piano driven Brian Michael Cox song, but it would have been too Breakthroughish (and as a fan, i want PROGRESSION) or she could have done a sassy midtemp joint (I Can Love You anyone?) but in all honesty, Keyshia and Let It Go got that pretty much on lock (Legends dont strive to compete with the lesser folk) So im diggin this, with a fuckin shovel...Now pardon me while i go vacuum the floor or somethin (TELL ME THIS AINT SOME GOOD HOUSE CLEANIN MUSIC!?!?! )
American Gangster Album Cover
I kno you've ALL seen Jays supposed Album Cover for the upcoming "American Gangster"...thank God the album cover is better than the first single, altho both are a bit boring...But u kno what, Jay has always had pretty fierce album covers for a rapper (except for this one here ...i dont blame him, i blame the person with photoshop that clearly didnt like him)... Thank God he doesnt believe in the bedazzled fonts and golden eagle Logos like some folks...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fall Music Showdown
USA today Broke Down upcoming releases and put them against each other in a Kanye vs 50 style...None of the albums are coming out on the exact same day as the other artist their put up against, but they put artist against each other according to their Genre and its a cool lil read to get the lowdown on some of their albums comin out, so why the hell not....But if u will see Mariah Vs Celine part you will see that MIMIs album comes out in December now (Dec 3 to be exact), as opposed to the original November date that would have put her against Mary...Told You So...
Lookin Good in 'The City'
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What Was Will.I.Am thinking? Will.I.Am - Songs About Girls Review
Now when i first heard "I got it from my mama", the first single from "Songs about Girls", i almost turned in my music lovers card and dug a hole to throw myself in it...i thought it was such a disgusting display of talent from a man that i KNOW was capable of so much MORE! (HE PRODUCED LETS ROCK BY CHRISETTE MICHELE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!)...the direction i thought will would go in for his solo project would be that one different from the BEP(after fergie, ofcourse) sound that gets ANNOYING after awhile....but when i heard His first single i seen that wasnt the case, much to my disappointment....
BUT much to my surprise, i like...NO...i LOVE..a good majority of the songs on "Songs about Girls"...because he takes all the GOOD from the new found BEP sound..the infectious beats, the simple hooks and leaves all the SILLYNESS and CORNYNESS that tends to go along with current Black Eyed Peas Tracks...although still not the direction i was hoping he would go in (majority of the songs are light hearted, ass shaking, my humps type stuff eithout yanno..being stupid) I must admit iam still feeling this album, taking it for what it is and enjoying he trying to save the world?, inspire someone to end world hunger?, or even talk about anything really relevant in any of his songs? no not really..but dammit if they arent infectious, fun and happy.... and they dont even leave u with a guilty taste in your mouth!!!! (u kno that..."should i tell people i like this album?" feeling)....Songs like "Over", "Heartbreaker" and "Impatient" makes it virtually impossible for you to keep still and your speakers on a reasonable sound level, while "Fantastic" gives you a feel good vibe that makes you want to be...yanno...sociable...and i think thats what music is suppose to do, make you get a feeling, an emotion, a vibe that u just cant shake and u just carry through out the day. Thats one of the main points "Songs about Girls" makes...
I think before i even heard this album i wanted to like it, because i LOVE what does and have done in the past, when hes not catering to the Laguna Beach crowd (Dont Funk With My Heart anyone?) but after hearing that first single all hopes were shattered, so i went into this album the biggest sceptic and it was a pleasant surprise and im sure it will be for you...if you want a easy breezy album that gives your speakers a work out and induces a head nod and a foot tap then this album is for you...i think for those who purchased Keyshia or Jill (ONE OF THE HOTTEST THIS YEAR) than this will be a good album for you when your not in a "Crown Royal on Ice" kind of mood...
I Give "Songs about Girls" 3 1/2 Gold records out of 5....just because im sure hes only gonna sell that much, i mean the promotion for this album has SUCKED!!!

Mary J. Blige - "Just Fine" snippet
Mary J Blige - Just Fine(snippet)
Heres a snippet of a song called "Just Fine" from Mary's upcoming album called Growing i dont kno for sure if this track is making the album...from what i hear on the sample i would be mad one bit if it is...sounds like a fun lil upbeat track she could throw at the end of the album (like a let no man put asuner from the MARY album)....Thats the direction im hoping mary takes with this album, i mean i LOVED the Breakthrough (truly one of the best R&b album in YEARS and was truly a BREAKTHROUGH for her) and Mary can do NO WRONG in my eyes, but the whole "Im a po black girl from yonkers that found love, found heartbreak, found rocks, then found kendu God" routine is played...and i dont think her fans, or stans (THAAAAAATS ME!) will take her pretendin like she goin through rough times like its 94 or her trying to recreate that old classic sound (altho i still LOVED love and life, see..told u mary can do NO WRONG in my eyes) i wanna see some growth, and im extremely curious to see what direction shes going in with this album ....But again, id love to see some "Mary" type material this time around...when i think of mary j blige i think of "Your Child" and "The Love I never Had" more so than "family Affair" and even " Be without you" im hopin Mary comes out and reminds those who tryin to snatch that crown WHY shes the if sellin 730,000 units in her first week of sales didnt jog their memory enough...
THANKS to Showtime over at TheTalkOfTheTown for givin me the heads up on this one!!!!!
New Albums Tuesday

Monday, September 24, 2007
Alicia Keys - "No One" Video
Average video for an Average song...still love both tho, because yanno...shes Alicia and she plays the piano and were all suppose to place her above other artist just for that fact alone
Who U think u foolin? + New Promo Pic
Why this isnt her album cover over that other mess , i honestly cant tell u...but i digress....
Jlo performed her new single "Do it Well" on a Britain chat show the other day and made it pretty clear, without saying it, that her ass is knocked up. Jennifer performing a heavy choreographed song while doin NOTHING but just standing there, in what resembles a throw rug from IKEA, u draw ur own conclusions....
Jlo's camp and
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Not So Magical...
Now i KNO youve all heard that JayZ is releasing a concept album inspired by the upcoming
Jay-Z Ft. Pharrell - Blue Magic
Check out the Trailer for the "Blue Magic" music video here...I was galivanting around my new fav blog SnowDayMusic and came across mad i dont see Pharrell tho!! he screams hood to me...well more like he sings it in a poor mans falsetto...but hood none the less!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Rhythmic Review: Jill Scott - The Real Thing
I was never crazy about the terms Neo-soul or Grown Folks Music, I much rather refer to those 2 as SOUL and GOOD music, with yanno...actual lyrics that mean something and actual instruments that play in the background...It was always funny to me how something so authentic and organic was the one that required a sub category while the artificial and manufactured didn't..But after listening to "The Real Thing" i kinda thought to myself...."I wouldn't want Jill to be grouped with that other bullshit ANYWAY"
Real Thing is Jill's 3rd studio album since her 2004 effort "Beautifully Human", and for many who have listened would argue that this its her best since her CLASSIC 2000 debut "Who is Jill Scott"...why? you ask... Jill brings back the sass thats why! her first single "Hate on me" is the 2007 upgrade to "gettin in the way" in many ways, clearly not for the obvious reasons, but it brings back a Jill we all knew and loved, that sadly didn't show in Beautifully human, aswell as an overall feel of cohesiveness (admit, BH was was kind of all over the place). The song "Only you" also Jogs the memory of vintage Jill, with its laid back delivery and melodic piano.
With recent personal changes in Jill's life (shes divorced from her husband who inspired many of the classic tracks from her debut album) As a fan i expected for it to effect her sound in some way.... but that hasnt gotten her down one bit, its gotten her HORNY...someone please WIPE HER DOWN!...On songs like "Crown Royal" where she says "Your hands on my hips pull me right back to you, i catch that thrust give it right back to you, your in me so deep im breathin for you". With lyrics like this, it a pretty good indication that shes not sittin at home cryin while listening to the best of Phyllis Hyman. "All I" carries on the sensual mature vibe of crown royal and shows that this album, altho not necessarily considered "grown folks music" is definitely directed toward those who can appreciate not only good music but know what the hell shes talking about!! (and NO, lamont passin u a "do u like me? yes or no" note in homeroom doesnt mean uve experienced the ups and downs of love)
The one (of MANY) stand out tracks for me on the album is "Celibacy Blues" which is a bluesy type of track that delivers some sexual innuendos beautifully, without making you feel all....nasty, and shows off Jill's talent and love for writing (any one that can fit "he aint scratchin it right" in a song and have it NOT sound like a Crime Mob track should get some sort of award). "Epiphany" is delivered with a spoken word style, that Jill is genius, over a heavy percussive beat thats infectious and provides the first half of the album a slight upbeat rejuvenation and then slides into everyones current favorite "My Love". This song is reason enough to buy the album, but more so than anything shows the versatility in Jills talent, being able to display the power of love ("he loves me" anyone?) aswell as showing off what happens when things go south, SUCCESSFULLY. We all kno thats not an easy feat for EVERYONE, some cant do it AT ALL, while some can..but not too well (QQN @ Mary)...All in all i think that this album is one of the far more superior SOUL albums of the year...nothing neo, grown or sub category about it, pure vintage soul at its finest with every intention to make you love it, and love.... love.
I give "The Real Thing" 4 1/2 hotcombs out of 5...just because of that damn album cover

Now head over to VH1s The Leak and take a listen to "The Real Thing" for yourself..and
remember the album is In stores September 25th
Friday, September 21, 2007
Rhythmic Review: Keyshia Cole - Just Like You
Now im no Rich from FourFour when it comes to writing a music review, and ive never written one before..BUT i do have ears and a love for i can throw my 2 cents out there to you guys when it comes to a new album im looking forward to, or atleast give abit of a damn about, to take a listen to here goes...
Upon first listen to "Just Like You" your knocked upside the head with the obvious growth of Keyshia, vocally that is....No she isnt on some Jennifer Holiday, or even Hudson, type shit...but shes definitely learned that she doesnt have to scream to get her point across, or that LOUD doesnt necessarily mean u can "sang"... in her case, less is DEFINITELY more this time around...A perfect example of this is her song "Work It Out" and most of all "Fallin Out"(produced by soulshock) Keyshia shines on this, showing that her more subdued tone, compared to a say "Love", is a pleasant one that doesnt wear out its welcome after 30 seconds... Another stand out for me is the track "I Remember" its a sassy ballad that reminds me of nothing more than "Love" dressed up in its sunday's best...but without all of the
Like any other R&B album now a days, Just Like You does have its forgettable, or downright worthless, tracks that could have been left on the cutting room floor. Mainly the head scratch inducing "Didnt I Tell You" featuring Tooshort, now i understand Keyshia is being promoted as your run of the mill girl u see at the swap meet cursin someone out over her botched pedicure and french tip job...BUT i feel the song is out of place with the rest of the album, and any other album made after 2004 for that matter...Other forgettables include "Heaven Sent" and "Just Like You"
Now down to the bedazzled elephant in the room...The comparisons to Mary J. Blige...ofcourse theres similarities between the 2, and with songs like "Losing You" and "Give Me More" (that sounds like it was directly snatched from a scrapped 'Whats the 411' session) I dont think Keyshia has a problem with it at all... Although Keyshia does bring her own vibe to this album more so than the last, the Mary moments this time around are blatantly OBVIOUS (the ladida dada in "Give me More" is IDENTICAL to that of the song "My Life" for fuck sakes!)...but i have a feeling with more time that passes Keyshia will mold a sound thats all her own, beautifully polished and sparkly, but for now shes definitely following in the footsteps of a Legend..."Just Like You" takes me back to when R&B albums were about the ALBUM and not just the occasional hot single here and there on a record, and thats where this album shines.... In due time i believe keyshia will wander off and make footsteps all her own, (im sure those footsteps will be somewhere around ur nearest liquor store) but until then im anxiously waiting...
I give "Just Like You" 3 jars of Clear Ice out of 5...just because she so damn classy, now go touch up them baby hairs

Now take a listen and decide for yourself on BETs Transmission and remember... "Just Like You" hits stores September 25th
Igganunt Convo Of The Day: To ALL Of My Friends...
RhythmicSoul05 (3:14:56 PM): have u ever checked out my blog baron?
RhythmicSoul05 (3:15:05 PM): *gets my gun*
BaNwT829 (3:15:15 PM): umm
BaNwT829 (3:15:16 PM): yeah
BaNwT829 (3:15:19 PM): ...
RhythmicSoul05 (3:15:20 PM): are u lying baron?
RhythmicSoul05 (3:15:24 PM): *loading gun*
BaNwT829 (3:15:46 PM): of course im not lyin
BaNwT829 (3:16:03 PM): how dare u use my name and the word lie together
RhythmicSoul05 (3:15:57 PM): what is my blog called baron?
BaNwT829 (3:17:43 PM): u know im bad with names
RhythmicSoul05 (3:18:36 PM): *shoots u in the pinky toe*
RhythmicSoul05 (3:18:46 PM): THE NAME MUTHAFUCKA, DO U KNO IT!!?!?!?!
RhythmicSoul05 (3:18:52 PM): >:-O
BaNwT829(3:20:10 PM): rhythmicwords?
RhythmicSoul05 (3:20:22 PM): awwww ok u do kno it *Hugs and kisses u on the nose*
RhythmicSoul05 (3:20:30 PM): thats all i wanted to know
BaNwT829(3:22:23 PM): ur psycho ass
Indeed Baron indeed..I am a psycho ass...and just to let all my friends know, i WILL go Samuel L Jackson on your ass if u aint up on RhythmicWords
The Real Thing untill later....
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Atleast shes wearing stilettos...
LMAOO im sorry but look at the drummer in the back...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Did U Realize, That U Are a Champion in Their Eyes
As u all may have heard/read/foreseen Kanye West has debuted at NUMBER 1 on the Billboard 200 this week, showin 50 whos the top and whos the bottom by pushin 957,000 copies to 50's 691,000 copies. I must admit that this is a MUCH wider margin than i thought it was going to be..congrats to Kanye, he truly deserves it...that album is all ive been bumpin(untill Jill drops on Tuesday! HOLLER)....This bit of information from made me giggle abit, check it out....
"The last album to move at least that many was, ironically, "The Massacre" by 50 Cent in 2005, with 1.1 million. Chesney's "Just Who I Am: Poets & Pirates" (BNA/Sony BMG Nashville) also kicks off with a big number, moving 387,000 to debut No. 3. It's the largest sales week for a country album since the May 2006 arrival of Dixie Chicks' "Taking the Long Way," which opened with 526,000 copies. "
50s first album "Get
"Damn Homie, In high school you was the man homie, Fuck happened to you?"
Indeed im just a blogger, so dont be sendin Tony Yayo roamin around my neighborhood wit his pimp hand all strong and shit, give him a coloring book instead...I kno the nigga aint got shit else to do
Twista Ft. Feist - Well Its Time
Now usually i could give a hot shit about a new Twista track, 9but this one is different..its featuring (well sorta) one of the better artist ive heard in YEARS...Kanye produced the track and sampled Feist's song called "gatekeeper" for the beat.. This song is a unreleased track from Twistas new album "Who gives a shit what its called, it will be off the charts in a month anyway".....Feist has had a song of hers played on Greys Anatomy (i think im the only person that doesnt watch that show, so maybe you'll remember her from there)....but whats fiercer than the sample u ask?.... the actual hit up Feist's myspace and take a listen to her various tracks...below u can check out a video of hers entitled "1234" which happens to be one of my FAVORITE videos of the year
Happy Birthday!....u snatch
Ok so i kno u guys are wondering "Is this some new singer?!?!" or "who the fuck is this hoe and why should i care!?!?!"...NO! although she may look like she can belt out a note that would push beyonces wig back...shes none of the above...shes my bestfriend!...and today is her BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!....she
Happy Birthday to ALL the virgos!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Queen of the Talentless...

But judge for yourselfs and give me YOUR opinions
Nigga Please...
According to ContactMusic Sean Kingston claims that he's being stalked by some girl and is "terrified"...he's quoted as saying "There is one girl who somehow always knows when I'm coming in town and what hotel I am staying in and she just appears everywhere. "It's crazy scary because I have no idea how she finds out where I'm going to be."
Sorry Gravyboat Bob, but im afraid thats not a fan...its a nutritionist tryna Save A Life... either that or my secret diaries have been read and its a sniper tryna do the right thing
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Queen vs. The Voice
The Buzz in the Blogworld is that Mariah Carey and Mary J. Blige will release their albums on the same day, November 20th...Mary's album is titled "Growing Pains" and Mariah's is yet to have a title, which brings me to this....Mary already has an album title and the announcement of her release has recently been made. Mary's been making appearances (The VMAS for example) to get her face back out there, much like any other artist would do when a release is approaching, its only a matter of time before a single is Mariah on the other hand has been laying low and has been mum about anything dealing with her album. The actual 20th release date was announced MONTHS ago before she was even deep into the recording process, which leads me to believe that MIMI will have a pushback to a date where she can sufficiently promote the album, instead of rushing to get it done and THEN half assing the promotion to much as i would LOVE a clash of the divas ( i love both of these bishes like i love cake) but i doubt DefJam would do Mariah like that, ESPECIALLY after the huge success of MIMI...things will be done RIGHT....smh, i kno i just broke the heart of a little gay youth with his heart set on a Fierce off between these 2...sorry young one, but im just givin my 2 cents
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Reel on "The Real Thing"
The lovely, talented and beautiful Jill Scott recently sat down and discussed her new album 'The Real Thing'...If u have her sampler than u will recognize a part of her discussing her experience that led her to write "hate on me" was taken from this interview, aswell as other snippets from the sampler...She even goes on to give her 2 cents on the Rutgers/Don Imus issue...defintely a MUST see just to hear her talk about various tracks from the upcoming album...God i love this woman
Head on over to to see part 2 of this interview...OR u could just Click Here
Friday, September 14, 2007
Mama WASN'T Proud...
Hillarious, now if only someone would really do this to britneys ass
Spotted at [AHotMess]
Rhythmic Roundup
If Tyra smiles with her eyes, than Jlo is Voguing with hers in the new 'Brave' promo shots [Toya's World]
Only Tyra could make the Squat and Piss pose look FIERCEEEEE [ConcreetLoop]
"Talkin shit and lookin Sassy" should be Kanyes New Motto [Crunk N Disorderly]
Maxwell gets his shit pushed back, AGAIN [A Hot Mess]
Check Out Stills from the upcoming movie 'Perfect Holiday', Staring Queen Latifah, Morris Chestnut, and Gabrielle Union. [Juicy News]
'As I Am' Album Cover
I was galivanting on the blog stroll and came across Alicia Keys' album cover for her album 'As I Am', set to release November 13th. I think its an absolutely beautiful cover..a gorgeous picture of a gorgeous girl, nice, simple and....mildly scary (hey, im just bein a quick glance tell me u dont get a creepy Michael Jackson vibe??)she could have saved the freaky "alicia keys" font...I understand shes going for a throwback feel with the whole cover and the font, but that shit was ugly back in the day and its ugly now...but i aint mad atcha Ms Keys, I definately shall be purchasing
Head on over to Toyas World and take a gander at some new Promo pics from Alicias upcoming album, I agree with toya, theyre very natural and pretty, who knew u could still use those words together when referring to an R&B singer?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Please just let it be period bloating....
Jlo was recently spotted at her Just Sweet show (ladies, what in the hell ever happened to her Jlo clothing line) lookin all kinds of knocked up...Now if she was a recording artist that actually had...vocal talent...i wouldnt stress it...but considering how ive heard obese women weezing sound more harmonious and melodic than Jennifer's singing.... im gonna go into Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost in trouble, girl! ... theres no way she can shake and shimmy her ass (the only thing shes DAMN good at) with a little marc anthony galivanting inside of her...womp womp to the comeback i guess...damn shame too, "Do It Well" is my shit...guess shes gonna have to display that heavenly voice of hers and release a ground shaking, gospel inspired power ballad as her second single...*holds in laughter*...but yanno if she is, congrats and all that good stuff, children are blessings and should be celebrated as such
Jesus be a back up plan
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Crazy Bitch
The Original Crazy Bitch?
Kanye West Readin MTV at the Vmas?
You tell me, because im Torn...
Because them otha niggas have been posted about ENOUGH...
Today is Tuesday, which means NEW MUSIC...and for the past 2 months this day has mumbled across every HipHop fans lips atleast once...the kanye and 50 and Kenny Chesney showdown !....but we all kno about those albums dropping....but im putting MY money down on these little lads above...B5! out 50 and kanye... "Why would Diddy let his D-list artist go up againt 2 A-list artist, without properly providing publicity or promotion?" u ask? Maybe the cute older one with the Halle Berry circa Boomerang inspired hair do didnt let diddy scratch and sniff the kitty...but the hell if i kno (or care)
Tough Call? Which album will u be purchasing this week?...i think i kno which one u wont be
Jennifer Hudons's New Gig
According to, Academy Award winning actress/singer/ everyones favorite loser/poster child of second chances/chick who upstaged beyonce/andre leon tally's "my size" barbie, Jennifer Hudson has been added to the cast of the upcoming Sex and the City movie....She is supposedly playing the assistant of Carrie Bradshaw(Sarah Jessica Parker)....
( Full Story Here)
I cant wait to see the movie, ive always been a BIG sex and the city fan..and with Jennifer being added to the cast im looking forword to it even more. I just hope they dont cast her as the typical big, black, and sassy girl that provides one liners everytime shes in a scene to be laughed AT instead of WITH
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Mtv awards last night was a complete disaster,u kno shit is bad when a C

I can taste the rainbow...cant you?

Wanna know who won what? go galivant over to a wise woman once said...I Cant Got The Time... shoooooooo