Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Christina Aguilera SHANT be victimized on upcoming album

According to Hollyscoop, one of my favorite white girls, Christina Aguilera, has a new album in the works and is refusing to follow trends going on in music today. She says that the upcoming album will be "very different" from 2006's Back To Basics and that it will be "very very interesting," she also goes on to say that shes working with "a lot of different people" this time around to help her production wise. One thing that Christina said that tickled my fancy was this...

"I love Timbaland's music for example but I would never work with people like that because everyone else is doing it already."

And I know thats right! FINALLY, someone that gets it!..following whats hot right now WILL NOT work for you in the long run. Getting a particular producer or artist on your record simply because there's hype surrounding him/her doesn't always mean it will work for you! Lord knows Maroon 5 activated my side eye somethin TERRIBLE throwin Rihanna on one of their songs for their upcoming rerelease, all I could think about was the robot from Lost in Space when I heard that news, DANGER!!. I think its safe to say that there will be no T-Pain, Akon, Justin Timberlake or Neptunes collaborations coming up on the new Christina Aguilera album, and for that i say AMEN! now if only Christina could have tapped Mariah on the shoulder and put her ass up on some game.


Tha Connoisseur said...

As usual, you and I babe! I LOVE me some X-tina man, that girl is crazy in concert! And leave it to her to be different and do her. No one ever stopped her before - hello a lil' "Dirty" anyone? Wicked, can't wait to hear what she brings to the table.

QH said...

I've never been too into Christina, though I did buy her last LP and enjoyed it. I respect her as an artist, and this piece shows why, at least she does her own thing.

Massive props to her.-QH