HAAAA HAAA!! You are soo right with this one, that did it for me!! Best damn review I have read all day!! **That's why I love youuuu!** and you are my bro...lol
Just "Kiss Ass" why don't you "the connoisseur". Usher's latest is very fun, enjoyable pop music. "I wanna make luv in this club" is a snap your fingers party song. His dancing is only second to MJ himself.
This is not a blog SPECIFICALLY about entertainment, or about music, or to focus on what type of glue beyonce is currently using to hold down her lacefronts...this is a blog for ME to post what I wish, and to give MY undesired 2 cents..can u get with it? great!!!, if not...then suck it *shrugs*
Wanna tell me something u think i should talk about? something u wanna share with me? or just wanna show alil love...I LOVE love so give me all u got...get at me!
Damn you cold lol. I never was a big Usher fan so there was no rush for me to download the album.
HAAAA HAAA!! You are soo right with this one, that did it for me!! Best damn review I have read all day!! **That's why I love youuuu!** and you are my bro...lol
Just "Kiss Ass" why don't you "the connoisseur". Usher's latest is very fun, enjoyable pop music. "I wanna make luv in this club" is a snap your fingers party song. His dancing is only second to MJ himself.
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